-Bitch, are you outta your fuckin' mind?
-[ Whimpering ]
- Dakota.
- I'm sorry.
- [ Thwacking Sound, Glass Shattering ]
- [ Dakota ] I'm sorry, baby.
[ Man ]
The director is God.
You have no vision from nobody.
[ Man ] You tryin'
to antebellum my ass.
You tryin' to fuckin'
plantationalize on me, ain't ya?
- Bitch, this ain't Gone With The Wind.
- [ Dakota Crying ]
You ain't Scarlett O'Hara!
I ain't Rhett Butler!
- Bitch, I'll kick your ass.
- [ Crying ] Aah!
Take that goddamn shit off.
- [ Sobbing Loudly ]
- Fuckin' with me.
Who the fuck
you think you are?
[ Sobbing ]
I'm sorry.
- [ Sobbing Continues ]
- [ Scoffs ]
Bitch must be crazy.
Chillin' me with some goddamn shit
from some other motherfucker.
Who the fuck
does she think she is?
I can't believe that bitch
did me like this.
[ Crying Continues ]
You all right? I heard
a lot of noise next door.
I thought maybe you need some help,
or something like that.
[ Crying Continues ]
Here, let me help you up.
- What the hell do you want?
- It's all right. Come here.
I won't hurt you.
Come here.
- [ Whimpering ]
- You can walk? You all right?
Yeah. I need... some help!
You weren't knocking on that door
while I was getting my ass beat.
- Yeah, well, I didn't want to get
all up in your business--
- Smart, huh?
- My God, it's funny, isn't it?
- Y'all got some ice around here?
Oh, the sink doesn't work. There's
some cold water in the bathroom tub.
- [ Groaning ]
- [ Water Running ]
Oh, God.