[ Groaning, Sighing ]
- [ Velcro Rips ]
- Ahh!
Mm, right there.
- [ Laughing ]
- [ Velcro Rips ]
[ Laughs ]
- [ Panting, Sighing ]
- Oh, yeah.
[ Car Door Beeping ]
- Mr. Shuttlesworth, how are you?
- I'm fine. How are you?
- Dom Pagnotti. Pleasure to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
- Hello, Lala.
- Hello.
- D'Andre, what's up?
- How you doing?
- Why don't we go inside?
I'll show you my house.
- We'd love to.
- Wow. This a phat crib.
- Ain't it?
- What do you think?
- You have a really nice home.
Thank you. I just did it.
Built it from scratch.
- It's gorgeous.
- Thank you.
Why don't you and Lala make
yourself at home and let me
and Jesus discuss some business.
This right here
is a 355 Ferrari Spider, $130,000.
You're looking at
a 12-cylinder Mercedes, 600 SL--
Now, if you want the best,
Jesus, you come right this way.
A quarter-million-dollar
Lamborghini Diablo.
- Take a look inside, Jesus.
- You can get a house
with a quarter million dollars.
Not the house
I'm going to get you.
- You like music?
- I love music.
- Has a $30,000 stereo system.
State of the art.
- $30,000?
30,000. That's a small trailer home
in North Carolina...
you got playing music
for you right there.
Now, Jesus,
I know you like Lala.