- We're glad you're here.
- We're having a little talk.
Let us finish, and then we can
get up with y'all later. All right?
[ Girls ] Okay. All right.
Nice meeting you.
- Bye.
- Nice seeing y'all.
[ Girls Chattering ]
Lovely, huh?
Travel in packs too.
- [ Chuckles ]
- You hit those?
- About 50% from the field.
- You lying.
You can have the rest.
I swear. Look, man.
We got some serious freaks
up here in this piece, man.
- Oh, Jesus.
- Oh, Jesus.
I was into my black bag
also, man.
Yo, I was keeping beautiful,
fine dark sisters.
Nubian sisters. Africa.
The whole nine. I'm telling you, man.
Well, you know,
I got a lady back in Brooklyn.
- Her name is Lala. We in love.
- I got a lady too.
She at home,
and she ain't here.
And I ain't talking about no love.
I'm talking about...
these white freaks
here at Tech U, man.
They love some ball-playing
brothers, man.
- Let you get your swerve on, man.
- I hear all that, but--
- What about the sisters?
- What about them?
I love them, but they
make you work too hard, man.
Them white girls over there, man,
they do your dirty drawers.
Wash 'em.
Cook for you.
- Give you money, man.
- Nuh-uh!
- Let you drive the Benz
their daddy bought.
- Oh, hell, no!
- They go the extra mile, man.
- You lying.
You see Molly
over there, man?
You can call her up at 4:00
in the morning, man.
"Bitch, get over here.
Let me spank you."
Man, before you hang the phone up,
she beating on the door.
- You don't even got
to kick your own bed out.
- Man, you lying.
- Buck!
- What's up, Buck?
- Peace, bro! Peace.
- What's up, man?
- We need to stay out in the hallway.
- Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
- Everybody in the hallway.
- This is a party. It's a long hallway.
You're good. Hey, where
the hell you at last night?
Always messin' around.
That's why I can't mess with y'all, man.
- We need to be out here.
- Don't worry about that.
I want you meeting
the assistant coaches.
- What are the assistant coaches
doing in the hallway?
- Y eah. Right here, man.