He Got Game

- Mm, so how was your trip?
- My trip? Oh, I had a great trip.

Best one, so far?
You think?

I don't know. I mean,
they're all the same,

but you just have a good time
with all of them.

We all do the same things-- go partyin',
meet all the guys, go to classes.

I mean, it was just--
It's off the hook.

- Did you miss me, Jesus?
- Of course I missed you.

That's all I did
was talk about Lala.

Did you meet any women at the parties,
in the dorms and stuff like that?

Did I meet any women?
There were women at this college.
There are women all over the place.

I mean, there's women on the floor,
in the dorms, women in the classroom.

There's a women's basketball team,
track team. Women all over the place.

Of course I met women.
I got introduced to everybody.

I said hello. That's about it.
- So did you fuck anybody
while you were out there?
- Hell, no!

Don't think I haven't heard stories
about these white college bitches.

Me with a white bitch?
They got 'em all lined up,
waitin' to suck your dick.

If my mother ever saw me with
a white bitch, she'd spin in her grave.

Then she's spinning.
She's turnin' over and over and over.
