He Got Game

This is gonna last while you're off
to college for a year?

You want me to live in Lala-land?
Is that what it is?

How do you know?
Tell me how you know.

- I know 'cause I ain't stupid.
- You went to a fortune teller?

You don't know shit.
You don't know what's gonna happen.

Jesus, I have read
all about...

those high school sweethearts
who get left behind.

I have seen that movie
many a time.

I told 'em nobody can tell Jesus
what to do, but they fucking insisted.

If they were stupid enough
to give me money...

to use some kind of influence
over you that I never possessed,

so be it.
They put the money in my hand
with the promise of more to come.

Just like
everybody else.

Jesus, you have
no problems.

Your life is set.
You got no worries.

- I have nothing.
- Yeah, right.

You're gonna honestly lie
dead to my face and tell me...

that it was gonna be forever
and you were gonna take care of me...

and that I had no problems
or no worries?

- That wasn't hard for me.
- Oh, my God.

Come here.
That's it. Come here!

Good riddance.
What's up, son?
So, this is it, yo?
Judgment day?

Father and son?
Jake and Jesus?

So you ain't gonna
say nothin' to me. Okay.

I ain't got no more time to be tryin'
to beg your forgiveness or nothin',

so I'll make this
real simple.

This right here,
it's a letter of intent...

for you to sign
to go to Big State.

Right there.
I'll play you,
one-on-one, to 11.
