He Got Game

"This past week has been
a very difficult week for me.

"I've done a lot of praying
and have asked for guidance from above.

"And I do believe that God
has shown me the way.

"My sister Mary
will be coming with me.

"She will attend seventh grade
at a neighboring junior high school.

[ Coach ] "This September I will
be enrolled at Big State University...

- on a full--"
- on a full athletic scholarship."

- Y es!
- Bullshit!

- Later!
- [ Murmuring, Crowd Cheering ]

This shit is bogus.
The boy did not go for the bucks.

Hold on.
"This is the right place for me.

"ln closing, my family and I send
our prayers out to my father.

"May God bless him.
Yours, truly,
Jesus Shuttlesworth."

"Jake Shuttlesworth...
- "a... convict--
- Convicted.

- convicted mur... der..."
- Murderer.

Gimme the paper, man.
You're irking me with that shit.

About to graduate,
you can't even read, dumb ass.

Can too read. Miss Janus says
I got problems readin' out loud.

- He's just nervous.
- Man, fuck that, Sip. Finish readin'.

[ Clears Throat ]

"The father of the number-one basketball
prospect Jesus Shuttlesworth...

"was captured last night in the Coney
lsland section of Brooklyn, New Y ork...

- "after a week-long manhunt.
- What?

"He had escaped the maximum security
Attica State Penitentiary...

"seven days before.
No official word yet
on how he escaped."

How could Uncle Jake have escaped when
they let him walk out the front gate?

There's gotta be some truth
to it if it's in the papers.

Oh, come on, man!
Y o, Shuttlesworth.
Warden wants to see you now.
He say what this is about?
