Holy Man

One: The network has no identity.
If you put all of the shopping channels
together, there's no way you can tell them apart.

I know that if we can create
a clear, dynamic identity...

along with
better sales techniques...

we will quickly pull ahead of our competitors
and easily reach our growth target.

Identity and sales techniques.
We have a meeting in an hour...

with Scott Hawkes from New Vision
to come up with a more complete plan.

Well, good.
Well, good.

Vision, uh, is certainly good.
And New Vision...
Wow. Newer?

Theresa called to confirm dinner
at her place, but Charlene also called...

- Barry. Barry, any business calls?
- Oh, um, no.

But Tim George is sitting in McBainbridge's office...
Later. Later.
What's happening?
Hang on. Blowout?
- This is just a great day for me...
- Okay, slow down.

Just a great,
great day for me.

When's the giant meteor just gonna take me out, huh?
I... I cannot...
We're in a dead spot.
Uh, this I know.
Hey, look at this.
Ideal. Ideal.

Here, pop the trunk,
and we'll change it.
