Holy Man

- I said, don't wave back.
- What? How do you not wave back?

When somebody waves to you,
you wave back.

Not if you don't wanna acknowledge
that person. What are you talking about?

What's he gonna do?
He's wearing his pajamas.

- He could be dangerous.
- How dangerous could he be?

- He kisses the ground, for God's sake.
- I rest my case.

- Nothing's interesting here. Go about your business.
- Hello, two people!

- Hi! What?
- Kate! Hello?

- He's friendly?
- What are you doing?

- Are you in trouble and in need of my help?
- Oh, no. Thank you. No, no.

- Oh, yes, you are.
- No, we're not. Stay there.

- I'm coming over there.
- No, thank you. Stay right there.

- Stay there! Stay there!
- You need my help.

- No, no, no, no, no. Oh, my God, no, no, no.
- Oh, my goodness.

Go back!
See, I was right.
You do need my help.

- What do you think you're doing?
- What can I do to help you two?

- You're very kind, sir, really,
- Look at this.

- But everything's under control, thank you very much.
- My name's "G."

- I'm Kate. Hi. And this is...
- Hi. How are you?

- Robert. Didn't I say that?
- Ricky.

Robert Ricky.
Hi, Robert Ricky.

- Nice to meet you.
- It's nice to meet you.

Oh, it's such a... such a treat. Take care.
Would you mind if I ask
what "G" stands for?

Just "G" with a period, that's it.
That's my name... G.

- I like that. Okay.
- Yes.

You have to excuse my appearance.
I know I'm a little sticky here.

When you walk down the road looking like
this, sometimes people throw things at you.

- You wouldn't happen to have a wet wipe, would you?
- Actually, I do.

I love a woman
that carries wet wipes.

- Mm, Premium Moist Towelettes, my favorite.
- I carry them everywhere.

You do? That's your need to be
prepared, perfectly prepared.

Probably drove
your last boyfriend crazy.

What he didn't understand is that deep
down inside you never really feel prepared.

That's why you're
always overprepared.

My God.
How did you know that?

Because he sees all and knows all?
That was a good one. So, thank you
so much and good luck to you.

Sorry I couldn't be
of more help to you.

- Oh, no.
- Oh, no, you were wonderful, and it was so nice meeting you.

- Oh, same here, Kate, wonderful. Pleasure was all mine.
- Yeah.

- Nice meeting you, too, Robert Ricky.
- My pleasure.

- May we give you a lift?
- Oh, no. I have to get back to my pilgrimage.

- You sure?
- You heard the pilgrim.
