That's an interesting way to sell.
All you have to do to be beautiful is just
be yourself. This woman's already beautiful.
She doesn't need Insta-Tuck.
Even... I'm sorry.
- - This beautiful
woman here, you don't need Insta-Tuck.
Oh, interesting angle. Uh-huh.
You know what? This is personal.
I know what's
happening here.
He knows I'm trying to sell stuff,
and this is a personal attack.
He's undermining me.
He's sabotaging me.
I made a deal with him. I explained it
to him. I went in the water with him.
I have a question for you.
If you could be the Dalai Lama...
- or a beautiful Baywatch babe, which would you choose?
- Baywatch babe.
Now, think about it. I know
the Baywatch beauty is so desirable...
and she has the perfect body and she runs
up and down the beach with a bikini on.
That's a really hot girl,
the Baywatch beauty, right?
But the Dalai Lama has total inner
peace and spiritual enlightenment.
There's no comparison.
Don't you agree?
She agrees.
Here. Oh!
Ricky, what do you want to do?
I- I-I don't know.
I could go back to school, I guess.
...the size on this one, folks.
This is the saw you want, boys.
Bucking, pruning, trimming.
The hotel/restaurant business always held a
real lure for me. I'm a people person. What?
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Hello. No.
- So give us a call, and I'll carve you a great deal.
- Nice chain saw.
- Who are you?
Oh, I'm new here. I'm a friend
of Ricky Hayman's. Hi, Ricky.
- Just curious about chain saws.
- Incoming. Mayday. Mayday. This is a disaster.
This is a massacre.
You've got to be kidding.
Can I hold it? It's a dandy.
Can I have the weight in my hand?
Feel the weight
of that chain saw. Wow!
- It's a heavy one. Be careful.
- Oh, yeah.
- He's staying at my home, and this is his gratitude?
- He gave him the chain saw.
- This is gonna be good.
- This is not good.
I have a question.
If I said to you...
you could watch me sculpt
the Venus de Milo with my hands...
or chainsaw
this entire studio...
what do you think
their call-in vote would be?
For creation or destruction?
You guys call in now. Call.
He's hitting every single set.
He's cutting a... It's a clean sweep!
He's making a clean swath from one side
of the studio to the 'nother!
I know just what they want.
Whoa! Now would be a good time to talk about the safety features.
This is good.
McBainbridge'll love this.