But you can put some aside
for your future...
or, or, uh,
give it to a charity.
Is this what you want?
Because if this is what you want, all
you have to do is ask, and I'll do it.
Yeah. Would you sign?
Well, Mr. Hayman,
what have we here?
Ah. Is this
what I think it is?
Well, I'll be dipped in shit.
You have done it, my boy.
I can't believe it!
Proud of you! Proud of you!
Come on.
Let me usher you
to your new digs.
Follow me. Follow me.
Well, here you are, Hayman.
The command module.
All systems go.
And I want you to screw your courage
to the sticking post and blast off!
Proud of you, my boy. Proud of you.