Holy Man

Okay. Sure.
What would you like me to go to?

- Anything!
- Okay, sure. Let me find...

Oh, for Christ's sake.
I'll do it myself. Assholes!

...real, real hard.
Of course, I'm not G.
I'm just a...

a regular, a regular type,
but, um...

I think...
I'm finally gettin' it.

That you never...
feel more whole...

and right...
than when you love...
another person...

and when you know that
that other person loves you back.

And I had that.
But I might have
messed it up just a...

just a little bit ago.
Her name's Kate, and, uh...
she made me wanna do better...
to do what was right.
And I didn't listen.
And I'm real, real...

sorry... that I didn't
do this before.

Not that doin'
the right thing hasn't cost me.

You know, I've lost my job.
Yeah, the...
The second G was out,
so was I, but, um...

You know... Hey!
Look, look who's there. You know who
that is? That's, uh, Mr. McBainbridge.

Can you get a shot of Mr. McBainbridge?
Turn around.

Will, can you please get
a shot of Mr. McBainbridge?

This is my boss, or my ex-boss.
No, no, no.
No, no, wait a second. Wait a second.

No, no, no, don't boo. Don't boo. He's not evil.
He's just, uh, alone,
I think.

You know what he needs is...
a hug.

If you see this guy on the street, give him
a hug. Or, no, better yet, give him a kiss.

Give him a big kiss... on the cheek.
It'll help him.
