Every night,
I dream you're next to me
You say my name
You know everybody's watchin' me
What they see...
Is me watching you
Bad dog, Huckleby!
Bad dog!
Bad dog.
No, no.
What a sweet dog, Mama!
You didn't say you had a pet.
Hey, Travis. How are you?
All right,
you're a boy again.
Sit at the table
and eat breakfast.
Better do what she says.
Grandma stuffs bad little dogs.
Any calls?
Any messages we get
will be on that bulletin board.
All right, dig in here.
Bernice, this is Travis.
He visited us in Chicago...
what was it?
Two Christmases ago?
He chewed my
Little House On the Prairie.
Where's Aunt Desiree?
Aunt Desiree's living in
Hollywood now. Right, Travis?
- She's doing a pilot.
- Oh, really? And what's he like?
- That's a show for television.
- Oh.
Aunt Desiree's
gonna be on television?
I was on TV, too.
Fat lot of good it did me.
I am proud of both
of my television daughters.