I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

- Julie, wait. Are you okay?
- l'm fine.

- You sure? You don't seem fine.
- l had another dream, Will.

- The one in the shower?
- ln a church. God, it was so real.

l thought the dreams were over.
- lt'll get better.
- lt can't get worse.

l've freaked out in class before.
l can't study, l can't sleep.

l'm this close to failing school.
Happy Fourth of July!
- lt was one year ago.
- lt's the anniversary.

- You've just got to take it easy.
- l'm really trying.

Sometimes l wonder why l came here.
- To get out of Southport?
- Right. Now l remember.

Are you going away for the Fourth?
l'll be studying for the finals.
The joys of summer school.

Are you okay? Sure?
You're definitely okay?

Yes, l'm definitely okay.
Thanks for the talk, Will.
You're good to me.

- l am?
- Yeah.

- Okay, l'll see you later.
- Okay. Bye.

- Julie.
- Ray? God, what are you doing here?

l got in early. Who was that guy?
That's Will. He's a friend.
You'd like him. We're just friends.

All guys trying to pick up a girl
try the "good friend" thing first.

Ready to go? You know the drill.
The Croaker Queen Pageant.
Small-town fun, but nice.

- Ray, l can't.
- Can't what?

l feel like l haven't healed enough
to go back. So please understand.
