I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

What the hell are you doing
in my closet?

l thought you left.
l just wanted to borrow your skirt.

- Jesus, that was heart attack time!
- Can l have the knife now?

- Come out with me tonight.
- l just tried to stab you.

- l hardly feel like dancing.
- What's the matter?

- l think l hurt Ray's feelings.
- Listen to me.

Ray is a great guy.
Nothing against old Ray, -

- but he's so ... Ray.
He lives in Southport.
Will lives right down the street.

- But there's nothing between us.
- Yet. Nothing yet.

l'm working at the club. And you,
Dancing Queen, are coming with me.

- No, l'm not ...
- Yes, you are. What did I say?

You know what l want to do to you,

- No.
- ls there a place we can be alone?

- l don't think so. lt's crowded.
- Come on.

- l just want to talk for a minute.
- lf it only takes a minute, no way.

l'll talk real, real slow.
Not at work. Do me a favour.
Ask Julie to dance.

You know, Jules, you're the most
beautiful woman in the bar tonight.

Ty, you're an unstoppable
force of nature.

You better recognise.
That's how my species survives.

- So, what's up? Wanna dance?
- Say yes. No means yes.

Ty, have you seen my people dance?
We do the mouth thing. Snap fingers.
