I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

Our contest winners are here.
- Last name first. First name last.
- Nice dog you got there, man.

- Not really. He eats guys like you.
- You got a problem with something?

- l don't have problems, pal.
- This is such a beautiful hotel.

Built in the 1 930's
for one of the Rockefeller clan.

There's a lot of history here.
Judy Garland spent the night here.

- President Nixon ...
- Okay. We get it. lt's old.

lt'll outlive you, l'm sure.
Put that down, please.

"Wilson" ... comma. "Karla."
Oh ... You're in 201 and 202.
- ls that a bad thing?
- No, not at all. Not at all.

- Those are our honeymoon suites.
- Your what?

l take it
you kids haven't exchanged vows.

- We haven't exchanged anything.
- Julie, come on. That'll be fine.

Our off-season staff of five
will tend to your every need.

- Did you say off-season?
- lt's the Fourth of July weekend.

Storm season begins today
like clockwork.

lt's our version of winter.
That's 201 and 202. Scrabble
and Parcheesi in the lounge.

Ain't nothing free in this world.
l wanted you to have a great trip.

We will. Don't worry about that.
We got the island to ourselves.

- And it's been blue skies all day.
- Guys, this is us. 202.

- The bags.
- 201 and 202.
