Give me your hat.
Thank you.
Yes. Perfect.
How's he look?
He Looks like you.
He does?
Only a little cuter.
Good one, Mom.
Cuter than this?
Don't even...
You are...
...so dead!
You know what?
You throw like a girl.
Welcome home, Jack!
Now go to sleep!
Sorry, Mrs. Wilkins.
Sorry, Mrs. Wilkins.
Hey, seriously, from this angle...
...she looks hot
in that flannel nightgown...
Pulling an all nighter?
Get your skinny little butt
in that bed.
Nice work on that snowman, dude.
- Except you made his head way too big.
- I did?
You put the bottom ball
on the top ball.
- How you doing?
- Good.
- How was Denver?
- Denver's pretty cool.
Cool. How're the guys?
They're great.
Everybody says hi.
Is there anything you need to show me?
Like something in the shape...
...of a present.
Like from the gig?
Like those plastic swords they
stick through the olives and onions?
Yeah, Like for the martinis
Mom packs in my lunch.
Mom's making you martinis?
- I'm up to two now.
- Good.
Two a day.
I brought you this.
One of your harmonicas?