A little wide. But nice shot.
Who taught you that shot?
Coach Gronic.
Dicky Gronic?
Dicky Gronic is your coach?
He can't play hockey.
Dad, Sid Gronic.
Sid Gronic's good.
Sid Gronic's very good.
He's one of the best,
if he could stay out of prison.
What was that?
That's something I call the "J-shot".
- Teach me.
- Come here.
You're big enough to handle this now.
- We got to go.
- Be with you in one second.
Hold on a minute.
Say the guy's coming down
right here, defensive man.
Bring it on the stick's toe.
Back to the heel.
Now cut loose.
There you go. Nice shot.
Very good.
- I still don't get it.
- I'll show you when I come back.
But I need it for today's game.
Teach you when I come back.
But, Dad, I want to...
"Butt Dad"?
Did you just call me "Butt Dad"?
Is that the kind of thing
Coach Gronic teaches you? Butt Dad?
By the way, that would
make you Butt Boy. Bye.
Bye, Butt Family.
See you in a while.
Love you guys. Bye.
All right.
Oh, man.
First period's behind us.
Forget about it.
God knows I'm going to try.
I know you're just kids.
And we're really here to teach you...
...fair play and sportsmanship
and all that crap.
But I am so tired of Looking
up at that scoreboard...
...and seeing that we're behind
the Devils again...
...and again...
...and again...
Lighten up, Dad.
History is made by winners.
Now, I want you to go out there...
...and wipe the ice
with their filthy butts!
All right?!