Jack Frost

One of these days,
Charlie will score his first goal...

...and you won't see it.
Like you never saw his measles...

...or the time he jammed
Fig Newtons into the projector.

Those things only happen once.
Don't, Jack. You said enough.
Hey, buddy.
How'd you guys do?
Got killed. Eight-zip.
I'm really sorry I didn't make it.
I'm really sorry, man.
Hey, look...
I got to talk to you about something...
...that's really important.
You know how you always wanted to be
the next Wayne Gretzky?

I always had a dream too.
Ever since I was about your age...
...I just really wanted
to be a great musician.

I just wanted to be a real player.
I wanted to make a living
doing what I Love.

And I really want to make
a nice Living for you, me and Mom.

Well, see...
...that might be...
...kind of starting to happen.
That's good, Dad.
Yeah, it is good.
And it's really, really good
for you to have a dream.

Tricky part here is sometimes...
...if you're not careful, you can...
...I don't know, kind of turn
into kind of a...

Selfish jerk?
All right.
