And I shall travel far,
very far like a gypsy
through the countryside,
as happy as if I were with a woman
This is it
It's an Excel
It's old, but I keep it clean
- Can you manage along?
- You want to help?
- So, how's the room?
- It's fine
- It's nice and clean
- That's good
Where's your friend?
She's not feeling well
She wanted to rest
What're you going to do?
Can we go up
to the mountain?
It looks fine here,
but it's darker up there
Go up, tomorrow morning
But we're
leaving tomorrow
Oh, that's too bad
How did you
find us here?
I saw you
going in this way
- Hi
- Did you run?
You don't
look sick at all
- Hey, nice shirt
- It's hers
- Fabulous
- Yeah
Jisook, this really yours?
They said it wasn't
see through, but it is
Yes A bit
That's an understatement
- Can you still wear this?
- Yes
Can I wash my face?
Yes, over there