Beats me
I'm sure that
he'll be convicted
Anyway, it's
strange that you
ran into them
on the mountain
She had beautiful eyes
How did he get caught?
There was a call
from a witness
He gave the police
the man's name
That's all I know
It was a hard trip
The bus was filled with
scary looking men
Are you scared of people?
It's not that
I'm scared of people
It's that those people
were scary looking
Maybe because it was
my first trip alone
So, on your first trip alone,
you came to meet me
I've met you before
That's what I'm saying,
you met me on
your first trip alone
What I'm saying is
that I met you before,
and you're drunk now
Jisook, can I
ask you something?
What kind of feeling
do you think I have for you?