Mrs. Takahashi has a bad heart.
Don't run her too much.
All right.
Is he upstairs?
Thanks to you, the old are happy.
They have to eat well and sleep.
I see he knows
how to make the best of a situation.
You're over the flu,
but you have liver trouble.
It's swollen.
Does it hurt when I press here?
If we don't act,
your belly will swell with water.
You need rest,
and a shot of glucose.
What now?
Isn't Tetsu here?
He's in training.
The customers are restless.
I'm a sick man...
but we need a projectionist.
The motor is blown.
Big trouble.
What's that?
It's an arc light.
How many 100-watt bulbs
does it equal?
I'd say, several hundred.
Doctor, is that all right?
Thank you.
Don't mention it.
We weren't using it.
A new weapon in the battle
to wipe out hepatitis.