There are eleven million
people in Cuba,...
of which 8 million...
can drive some type
of vehicle,...
5 million of them have
driving permits,...
1 million of them
live in Havana,...
some 775 thousands of them
work for the state,...
and more or less 364 are...
self-employed taxi drivers.
And of all them,...
only I was chosen...
as the most honest,...
the best, a model.
You hear? The best.
You knowwhy?
Because a tourist left
a bag in my car...
with $50 000 US dollars,...
and I gave it back to him...
and I didn't accept a reward.
No shit!
I felt that if accepted the
reward, I don't know...
I would lose all the beauty...
all human beings have
in them.
You're out of your mind.
You see?
Nowyou say I'm crazy.
My mother says I'm
an idiot.
My mother would be
very proud.
Would you have done
the same thing?
Let's not go into that, man.
Let it be.