Very good.
ExquisiteIy worked.
You've crafted ajeweI, my boy.
Perfect for a courtesan or priest...
to pIuck after supper
In other words...
this vioIin wiII never bear my name.
Put your anger into your work, my boy.
Stay with me and Iearn.
US$ 1 million. US$ 1,600 million.
US$ 1,600 million.
Bid to you all now.
US$ 1,650 million.
US$ 1,650 million.
US$ 1,675 million.
Is that a bid, Sir? Don't be shy.
All right, then I'll take it.
US$ 1,700 million.
US$ 1,725 million. 1,725.
US$ 1,750 million. Thank you.
The bid is US$ 1,750 million.
-US$ 1,775 million on my left.
-Mr. Morritz.
-PIease don't Iet me forget this.
-Was that a bid, Sir? No?
US$ 1,775 miIIion on my Ieft.
Against the teIephone now.
Against you, Sir.
US$ 1,775 miIIion.
US$ 1,810? US$ 1,810 miIIion.
US$ 1,850. US$ 1,875 on my Ieft.
In the room. US$ 1,900.
US$ 1,920. In the room.