this city!
May I present to you...
Kaspar Weiss.
One of the most gifted
chiIdren on Earth.
But Georges, we can't...
My wife, Antoinette Poussin.
Good afternoon, Kaspar.
How nice to meet you.
Go on in. I'II show you
your room in a minute.
Georges, pIease!
We can't afford to keep him!
We can't afford not to.
There's something about
your pIaying that eIudes me.
I've decided to anaIyze it,
IogicaIIy, with a scientific method.
First, your bowing...
and your Ieft hand phrasing.
Your détaché, ornamentation
and your taste.
And theory!
Theory, too, is important.
You need a Iot more than inspiration
to pIay the vioIin.