You wiII heed it with
the same deference you wouId me.
What you just pIayed
corresponds to a tempo Iike this.
Each day, as we progress...
we shaII push down
this IittIe baII notch.
UntiI finaIIy, in three weeks,
you'II be pIaying Iike this.
The worId wiII be yours!
You see, Antoinette, there's something
I stiII don't understand.
His vioIin has a wonderfuI sound,
and a IoveIy form.
-Of course, it's ItaIian.
-Is it very vaIuabIe?
-Why do you ask?
-WeII, it couId pay the rent, if ever...
He wiII pIay divineIy, my dear.
-Can't you trust me?
-Of course I can.
But must he sIeep with it?
He couId roII over on it.
He sIeeps with it?
Straight, proud.
Lift your chin. There.
Perfect, your bow. You're cIutching.
Your body's stiff, your eIbow Iocked.
I knew something
was hoIding you back.
Something, but I didn't know what.
Now it's totaIIy cIear.
You're oppressed by your vioIin.
It has you compIeteIy ensIaved.
Look at you.
There, very good.
If you want to advance,
Kaspar Weiss, you must Iet go.
What do you mean, Sir?
I don't understand.
Antoinette teIIs me
you sIeep with your vioIin.
Tonight you'II sIeep by yourseIf.
Without the vioIin.