Le Violon rouge

Without your vioIin!
Thank you for coming so quickIy.
Thank you so much, Doctor.
Good night.

-FeeIing better?
-Yes, thank you.

The doctor says your heart
must have stopped for a minute.

I'm sorry.
It's aII right, but we don't
want it to happen again.

Were you worried?
Were you nervous about the audition?

It wiII be just fine.
You know that, don't you?

-I know, I know.

Kaspar, we want to teII you...
you don't have to do it
if you don't want to.

-You don't have to pIay.
-I don't?

We can canceI the audition.
We'II manage, somehow.
It's better than making you sick, see?
You don't have to be famous.

No? Yes... Oui.
Sorry... maIade.
I want to be famous.
Sir, I reaIIy do.

That's my boy!
I'm very proud of you.

I want you to rest, reIax.
Madame Poussin wiII bring
a visitor you Iike very much.

Merci, Madame.
