''How did it come to this?
Saints in heaven.
How did it happen to him?
An artist who could not be denied.
A poet, in fact. But a murderer?
Yet the looking-glass image
was hard to refute.
His fingers and cuffs were still
ruddy ith gore, and as he watched...
in horror...
the speckles of blood seemed
to multiply before his eyes...
like maggots on a fetid corpse.
What would become of him now?
Where would he run to...
and where would he hide?
The options then
were depressingly few.
Indeed, his mind was
already racing...
east across the frozen continent...''
-''...and over the frozen steppes...
back to the refuge
of his childhood estate.''
-I have a theme I want to work out.
-''To Russia, the Cossack call...''
-That needs to be addressed.
-Can't you see I'm trying to work?
-You're so seIfish.
-I had mutuaI inspiration in mind.
-Can't you see I don't need it? I was...
-My Iove, don't be angry.