sire! The Crass obeys you not.
He flees!
Let me drag him back
by his ball-sack.
He is thrilled to be home.
Let him drink the tavern dry.
He'll return soon after.
No netWork! What a great buy!
It's ice-cold here!
you Will not Wed Count Godefroy.
His subjects are thieves.
JeWel thieves!
HoW can it be?
I had them this morning.
NoW they're gone, as if by magic!
A spell Was cast on me!
Relax thyself. I Will investigate.
If thief there be, he Will hang!
Among the stolen family jeWels
is our Holy Relic.
The sacred tooth!
All that remained of saint Rolande
after Caesar's lions devoured her.
It brings fertility!
Woe to my daughter
if she is Without it at her Wedding!
she Will be sterile!
I voW to find the sacred tooth,
even if Hell aWaits me!