Strange dogs!
Nice doggies...
They look like WoIves.
I don't believe it!
They are WoIves!
WoIves in the Woods!
Hello, sir. Call the police!
Circus animals
are running loose in the Woods!
It's horrific!
Look at me, man!
What bad breath!
It's like a septic tank!
He looks like Jacquasse the Crass!
He's far too dainty!
Maybe he seduced
a foreign princess!
He's handsomely dressed
and so cute!
You're crazy!
Get your hairy hands off me,
ass breath!
Holy scrotum! Catch him!
Out of my Way!
stop him!
If he flees,
he must be guilty!
That hurts! Let go!
Hands off!
Grand lnquisitor, look!