- Open your WindoW!
- I prefer my bootlets!
It's vile!
- I smell nothing.
- It reeks!
They reek not!
Long live the Count!
You're making a big boo-boo!
It's Warming up!
There's Cousin Hubert!
I am the Count.
HoW dare you burn him on my land?
The life and death
of my serfs is my affair.
Destroying satan is mine.
He is my loyal servant, Jacquasse.
Explain the satanic noise
this box makes.
Yes? I'm Waiting.
I'm getting hot!
I've had enough!
If he sinned, he Will be punished.
But I'll attend the trial. Obey the laW.
We'll interrogate him in your castle.
It Won't take long.
I dislike your manners.
And l, yours.
While you yak aWay, I'm burning!
About time!
What is this madhouse?
Who are these crazies?
Holy scrotums!
Jacquasse's descendant!
I'm not his descendant at all!
Take me to the hotel.
I'm calling the police chief!
Believe me, heads Will roll!
Keep quiet, peasant,
or you Will die.
I Want him in irons and shackles.
I agree! Gag him too!
What the hell?
Honey for my gullet!
It's chocolate, not honey!
10 Crunch Bars in 5 minutes!
You'll be sick as a dog!
Crunch! Chocolate!
Long live chocolate!