Les Couloirs du temps: Les visiteurs 2

Let me steer!
Got a license?
Here, drive.
Careful, dummy,
or We'll bite the dust!

You're zigzagging, buddy!
Keep cool, baby.
You're a real ace!
My turn now.
Ace charioteer!
Learn to drive, asshole!
vile beggar! slug-eating rascal!
AWay With you!

You sound dumb!
Kinda like a medieval knight!

What means "medieval"?
You don't knoW?
Culture-Wise, you're a real dick!
What befalls?
Oh shit!
This shit heap guzzles gas!
shit heap!
We'll paWn your jeWels
and buy another.

No, I'll bury my jeWels
at Lady Beatrice's

and save them for my bastards.
Let's bloW it all!
That's What money's for!

Let's tan our toes in saint Tropez!
No, We'll return to our Good Mistress.
We'll toil aWay for her.

In turn,
she Will pay and protect us.

Lady Beatrice is mean.
she's a bimbo.

A bimbo? Yes, yes...
Yeah, a bimbo!
Let's go see
Lady Beatrice the Bimbo.

Jean-Pierre, you're exhausting me!
I expected more from you
than stupid skepticism.

I'm not the only skeptical one,
right doctor?

Godefroy, Mr. Kass and Dame Ginette
are from the Middle Ages.

I knoW you can be thick,
but think in terms of
the Tv shoW "The X-Files",
