I Will pack my bags
and leave at once!
First fix the plagues!
What is it?
It's for me. The old biddy.
Half a glass for each.
Here's the spell.
It stinks! They'll never drink this!
You can't taste it in cocoa.
And it doesn't alter the potion.
A drop of magic potion...
Rise and shine! Breakfast time!
Her again.
Hot cocoa!
Have you ever had chocolate?
Hot, hot, hot, hot cocoa!
Chocolate! Crunch! Crunch!
You knoW Crunch Bars?
This is Nesquik!
Slowly, don't choke!
I'm off!
Happy golfing! see you tonight!
Begone, peasant!
I'll handle them.
Hot cocoa! What a good idea.
We never have it.
Cocoa is neW to you.
The conquistadores
brought it back
from Mejico ages ago.
It Was the rage!
People adore it! As Jean-Pierre says:
"Try new things
or you'll end up a dum-dum!"
No Way, bimbo-bo!
screW your Mexican snobs!
I Won't puke for you.
Give me her nectar!
stop, it's not for you!
It's your turn!
Get off my back! stop hounding me!
I'm not Bimbo-bo's slave!
I'll get gas and hock the jeWels.
Then it's party time!
First drink your cocoa!
My jewels!