We'll find Dame Ginette
and bring back the sacred tooth.
Or I'll have no heirs!
Not the potion! It twists my guts!
I hope to see you soon,
safe and sound.
That potion is dangerous.
Drinking it takes courage.
Much courage.
For our return.
I'm scared!
They're gone.
If they don't come back,
I'll bury you
in the deepest dungeons.
I'm impressed!
You're an ace at the Wheel!
And no license!
If you had one, I'd be floored.
- Where noW?
- Bourges.
Tell me...
What is your house like?
A hut With mud Walls?
No, We make bricks With our oWn shit.
Gracious me!
It's a great day
for Jean-Pierre to play golf.