Les Misérables

Because he's lonely. Here we are.
- He lives here?
- Strange, isn't it?

Little better than a worker's house.
Good afternoon, Monsieur le Maire.
The new inspector has arrived.

- He wants to report.
- That's all right. He doesn't have to.

But Monsieur le Maire, if you don't
permit the inspector to report...

I think he will burst into tears.
Monsieur le Maire, I'm lnspector Javert.
I have the honor of reporting
to my post as your prefect of police.

- I'm sorry. What's your name?
- Inspector Javert.

- You were expecting me. Paris should--
- You have papers?

Yes, I apologize. I should
have presented them immediately.

Good. Thank you for coming.
Captain, make sure
the inspector is settled comfortably.

- Yes.
- Good day.

- The men and women work separately?
- Yes.

Monsieur le maire redesigned the factory
in order to keep the sexes apart.

- I told you he's eccentric.
- Not eccentric, Captain. No.

He cares about honest working women
and wants to protect their virtue.

Very proper. Very wise.
- Sorry.
- Excuse me.

You've ruined another one!
They're going to dock my wages.

All right! Enough.
Fantine, get your things.

- I'm gonna move your place.
- Good riddance!
