A wolf can wear sheep's clothing...
but he's still a wolf.
I was just thinking, lnspector,
that you have been unlucky.
Unlucky? I don't understand.
you've been assigned to a dull post.
You'd be happier in Paris...
where everyone, either by nature
or experience, is dishonest.
Indeed. But I'll see if I prefer Paris.
They've asked me to report to the deputy
prefect to further explain my idea.
I'll be gone for four days.
We'll miss you. Good luck.
Thank you. And good-bye.
Inspector, one moment.
A farewell gift.
You're offering me a gift?
Yes, lnspector. My papers.
Baptism certificate.
Working papers
from the Marseilles docks.
I want to get your census off
on the right foot.
Pleasant journey, lnspector.
Move on. Have your papers ready.
It is Paris. We don't waste time here.
- Inspector Javert. Let me through.
- Papers. Move on.