You asked me to tell you
if he went too far.
Well, I've kept my mouth shut
long enough.
Have her taken to the prison.
You'll get six months.
Six months? What about Cosette?
What'll happen to her?
- Who is Cosette?
- My daughter.
If I don't send the Thénardiers money,
they'll turn her out.
- Is your daughter here in Vigau?
- No, sir. She lives with--
Then she's not my concern.
lnspector, please listen to my side.
I know I hit the gentleman.
I know I was wrong.
But do they have the right
to put snow down my dress...
especially when it's the only one
I have, and I need it for work?
I'm sorry. I don't mean to argue.
It won't happen again.
Inspector, please.
- Please be merciful.
- All right.
I've listened to your side.
You're still getting six months.
- The eternal fire can't change that.
- One moment.
It's you. You did this to me!
You fired me.
Come here!