Lethal Weapon 4

Have I ever
"made your womanhood reach peaks...

...to rival the Himalayas"?
-Foothills of Malibu, maybe.
-Not even a Teton?

-I don't think so.

I thought I'd at least
rate the Rockies.

You know I'm kidding.
-You say that to make me feel better.
-No, I don't.

You know I'm playing.
I've been to plenty of
mountaintops with you.

It's just that I'm hungry.
When you have that kid,
we'll blow up Mount Saint Helens.

-I brought you a doughnut.
-Police food!

How did you know?
I dropped by lnternal Affairs yesterday.
How's the rat squad?
-I picked up something good.
-Some cheese?

I.A. got an anonymous tip.
The person said Roger's on the take.
No, he's not.
I know! It's probably
some jerk he put away.

But with new boats
and putting 2 kids through college...

...I thought you ought to know.
I actually tried to
persuade him to take money.

Stop it, Riggs!
I can't hear that! Nothing!

I won't say anything anymore.
I'm kidding.

-That's awful.
-I'm kidding.

Don't tell him I said it.
With his problems...

...he'll blow his top.
Just don't say anything.

What do you mean?
Like what?
-In general, problems.
-You mean something specific.

I got a nose for these things. What?
You're pushing me.
I don't want you to go there.

Get it off your chest.
You'll feel better.

I won't leave you alone
till you tell me.

Tell me.
I'll tell you!
Pregnancy destroyed my brain cells!

What? What?
I'm drooling. What?
Promise me you'll never
say a word about this ever.

-I swear, I swear.
-Right hand!

I swear I won't, ever.
