Lethal Weapon 4

And I'm freeing slaves...
...Iike no one did for my ancestors.
It's my chance to do something
and do it right.

Why didn't you say so?
This won't be boring.

Need any help?
Where is he?
What this time,
food or money?

-Food and money.

I see you more
than when you lived here.

We're independent now.
What's the money for?
-Hookers, drugs...

Can you believe how
they talk to me?

It costs more to go to school now.
I get the tuition bills.
And the grades too!

This is a down payment
on a future ass-chewing.

Get out and go to school.
I see the tuition.
I want to see some grades!
I want more cluck for my buck.

Thanks for the money.
I'm tired.
Me, I can't win.
Did we get a raise
and nobody told me?

I got to get to the bank.
How can you when you're taken
to the cleaners all the time?

Hey, guys.
Hey, Trish!
-Both the kids leave?
-Yes. And we're broke.

Is Lorna here?
She's in the kitchen,
on her third breakfast.

I remember those days.
-I'm sorry!
-I love it when you do that.

You look terrific.
Wait till she tries raising
that baby by herself.

I'll be fine.
Move back in and Grandpa'll
be up nights with the baby.

Better than her
marrying the wrong guy.

A cop or something.
Come on, guys.
See you.

I should say goodbye.
Hurry up!
