How did you find me?
- Your card. You left it.
Right, shit yeah.
Oh this is Paula.
- Oh, shit yeah, alright Paula.
Don't worry,
she don't play any instruments anyway.
Come on then.
I think I'm going to go to bed now,
behave yourselves.
So, er... how are things then?
Pretty shit- Sorry.
Oh fuck, I can't believe I'm here.
- I bet.
It's good to see yer.
- Is it a problem, me being here?
No mate, it's cool.
I felt bad leaving you in Blackpool.
Did I scare you?
No... not really.
Bit shocked.
I ain't that bad in bed!
Knackered? Get some sleep yeah.
And er, there's no problem
with you stoppin' here alright.
No funny business...
But I don't give up my bed so you're
on here or in with me, your choice.
Sofa ta.