Little Voice

Here he is...
Mr. Ray Say.

Here it is.
Me home, me walls,
me telly, me phone.
- And me daughter.
- How do you do?

Ray. Sun Ray.
Sting Ray.

Ray gun.
Me very own Ronnie Ray gun.

Oh, I'm just friggin'
into him so!

Well, say hello.
God, she's a misery.
A miserable bloody misery.

- Whatcha havin', Raymondo?
- What you got?

Everything your throbbin' throat
could desire, lover boy.

All right?
I'll have...
a cup of tea.

You what?
You'll have a cup of tea!
Hey, don't just
go off like that, you rude...

- Leave her! She's all right!
- Hey!

No, it's not all right.
She spoils everything, her.

I'm tryin' to make an impression and
she can't even be swivel to a friend,

the tiny little slit!
Oh, what am I doin',
and in front of you?

Well, that's it.
I give up.

This is me crappaty home,
and this is how I am, Ray.

No gracey airs, and if you don't like
it, you can piss off out of it.

Hey, stay calm.
Don't get mad at me.

I- I never said anything
about anything.

Come on, then.
Let's roll about.

Oh! Here we go!
On and on and friggin'...
- Cut that racket, girl!
- Calm down. She's all right.

Oh, you, you little raver.
