Little Voice

I'm just seeing
if your wires are all right.

I'm just seein' if your...
If your wires are all right.

- Do you go out much?
- No.

Are you a telly fan?
- No.
- Goin' anywhere on your holidays?

- There are no wires.
- Eh?

I finished work hours ago.
Oh, I don't know
what to say now.

I'm Billy.
Can I ask you your name?

- LV.
- Oh.

Does, does that stand
for something?

- Little Voice.
- Oh, on account
of bein' soft-spoken, like.

Nice tune, that.
"My Heart Belongs To Daddy. "
Oh. Right.
- Marilyn Monroe.
- Oh, yeah. Right.

Eh, your mom's a live wire,
ain't she? Bloody hell!

Not fond of pigeons neither,
is she?

- Pigeons.
- Aye. I keep 'em, you know.

- Homing pigeons.
- Oh.

I love 'em. I'm up Pigeon Hill
all the time, where lofts are.

- Feed and exercise twice a day.
- Exercise?

Aye. You let 'em out,
they fly around and come back.

That's what homin' pigeons do...
except Duane, like.

- Duane?
- Aye... me best bird.

Not back from France yet.
What's he doin' in France?
He's comin' back here.
