Oh, aye. Yeah.
Very nice.
- Put her in the back.
- I'm stoppin' here.
Get up, you.
Ray wants ya downstairs.
- What for?
- You know what for.
You've got him thinking you can
do something or something.
He wants you down anyway.
Show Mr. Boo what you can do.
- It's private.
- Private, my privates.
You're just damn selfish
and useless, you.
And you can do nothin' but whisper
and whine like your father before you.
Couple of bloody nothin's,
the pair of ya.
Look at it. Just a pile
of old junk no fucker wants.
- Now come on downstairs!
- Don't you dare touch these!
Up yours, stick leg.
- She'll not come down.
- What?
Well, it's just like I said.
She'll not sing. I told you.
Well, I'm sorry, Ray,
but Boo's a busy man.
I've got to be off.
Got other acts to see.
Acts that can be bothered.
Night, all.
Boo! Boo!
Hold on, Boo. It won't take a minute.
Honest. She's dead special.
Listen, Say. I didn't get where
I am today by wasting my time...
By wasting my time listening
to singers that don't sing.
All I can say is that she might
stand an outside chance as a mime act.