Transport, l've gottwo blips
inside your radar signature.
They're hiding in your shadow.
l don't see anything.
This is gate control.
Battle stations.
Battle stations.
Two Seditionfighters
are attacking the hypergate.
Battle stations.
Gate control,this is Eagle One.
l'm locked and loaded.
Ready tofly.
Roger, Eagle One.
You're clearto launch.
Jeb,where are you, buddy?
This cold warjust got hot.
They're Sedition raiders.
lt's another
mutant suicide squad.
Here we go. Man-to-man.
Splitthem up.
Last one to kill a bad guy
buys the beer.
l'm gonna go through the gate,
get infront of him.
That's not standard procedure,
Better get inside his shields.
You gen-techs are ugly up close.
Target lock.
Show time.
Bogey One dispatched.
Don, he's right on my tail.
Damn! Can't shake him.
l've been hit!
Weapons are off-line.
l'm gonna jettison
the main drive core.
There you are.
Am l good orwhat?
Warning. Failure
in redundant drive systems.
Gate control,
this is Ranger One.
Engines will not respond.
Don, l'mfalling
towards the hypergate.