Lost In Space

With intrepid pioneering spirit,
the Robinsonfamily...

will journey to the distant
world of Alpha Prime.

What kind offuture can
our children lookforward to?

Afuture in paradise.
The Jupiter mission...
made possible by the Army and
Silicon Graphics Corporation.

S.G.l. Saving thefuture
for our children.

Give me a break.
from Houston middle school.

Hello, Principal Cartwright.
What has he done this time?
He hacked our main power grid
to run his experiment.

The school was in chaos.
Yeah, right.
We didn't even have lights.
This is no laughing matter,
Professor Robinson.

Will is terribly gifted.
The changing shape of education.
His little time machines,
though purefancy...

are the products
of a truly brilliant mind.

No more monkey business.
l mean it.
The boy is starved
for attention.

l know your life is anything
but normal right now...

butwasn'tthere some way...
hisfather could have
attended the sciencefair?

As you are aware...
Alpha Prime is the only other
habitable planet...

yet detected
by deep space recon.

My crew will sleep away
our 10-yearjourney there...

in suspended animation.
Once we have rendezvoused with
the research colony on Alpha...

l will supervise
construction of a hypergate.

By then,
technicians here on Earth...

will have completed
the companion hypergate...

in our planet's orbit.
Once both gates are complete...
