ships will be able to pass
instantaneously between them.
lmmediate colonization
of Alpha Prime will be possible.
Can'tyou just use
the Jupiter's hyper-engine...
to zap straightto Alpha Prime?
Hyperspace exists
beneath normal space.
If you try to enter hyperspace
without a gate...
your exitfactor is random.
There's no telling
where you'd come out.
Ninety-eight percent of
the galaxy is still uncharted.
There's a lot of space
to get lost in.
How is Captain Daniels
recoveringfrom theflu?
Will he pilotthe mission?
Ladies and gentlemen.
You came to getyourfirst look
atthe Jupiter 1.
Don'tyou think
you've waited long enough?
Let's move into the launch dome.
One more question, Professor.
Now thatthe mission's
been pushed up...
how do your childrenfeel
about leaving the earth behind?
They couldn't be more excited.
This mission sucks!
l don'twanna leave early.
l don'twanna go at all.
We will discuss this at dinner.
Forthe lastthree years, l've
missed everything training...
so l can spend the next 10 years
missing everything else.
l'm not staying homefor dinner.
l'm seeing myfriends.
l'm going outto say good-bye
to my entire life.
Penny, l need you here tonight.
Wait a minute.
On this eve, before she's torn
from everything she knows--
hurled into deep space
against herwill--
whatthoughtsfill the mind
of the daring space captive?
Are there boys on Alpha Prime?
Whatwill l wear?
Whatwill it be like to jettison
your body into deep space?
you'll try holding your breath.