My squadron is alert status--
Your rescue stuntwasfoolhardy!
l had afriend in trouble.
disobeyed a direct order
because of afriend?
l did...
He'll do.
You're the new pilot
of the Jupiter mission.
Where's my money?
The Sedition hired me
to provide access...
to Daniels' apartment
and no more.
My work is done.
Theyfound a replacement pilot.
Our attack
on the hypergatefailed.
How tragicforyou.
We require a more direct
intervention on your part.
l see.
ltwill costyou.
l'm afraid that my price
has just become...
Holograph off.
Come in.
Control hasn't received
results of the pre-flight exams.
The Robinsons
have checked out 100%.
They'refit as afiddle
and ready tofly.
Wish them luck...
for me.
Mission protocols are simple.
Robinson is in command...
unless you encounter
a military emergency.
ln that case, MajorWest,
you are in charge.
l'm afighter pilot.
There must be better candidates.
Hell, even my ownfamily
can't stand me.