Forgive me if lforego the kiss,
my sleeping behemoth...
butthe time has come to awake.
Robot is on-line.
Reviewing primary directives.
preserve the Robinsonfamily.
maintain the ship's systems.
Spare me the chatter,
my steely centurion.
Sadly, lfear l havefar more
dire deeds in storeforyou.
Robot is on-line.
Reviewing primary directives.
Sixteen hours into mission,
destroy Robinsonfamily.
Destroy all systems.
That's more like it.
my platinum-plated pal.
Give my regards to oblivion.
Apparently you have completed
your mission on schedule.
l do so admire a spot
of timely terrorism.
l thought l told you
neverto call me here.
The transmission signal
could be traced.
l justwanted to express
my most sincere gratitude...
foryour unflagging loyalty.
Good work, good doctor...
and good-bye.
Jupiter 1 launch
in three minutes.
Mom, l'mfine.
That's supposed to be there.
This is almost acceptable.
-Mom, don't.
Vogue says this will be
the style in 10 years.
Can we cut back on her oxygen...
so she's not so annoying
when she wakes up?