Mom, let's go!
-Will, stop!
Destroy Jupiter 2.
Destroy Robinsonfamily.
Look away, baby.
Robot, disable pulse blaster.
Command accepted.
Cancel attack sequence
and stand by.
If thefamily won't come
to the sciencefair...
bring the sciencefair
to thefamily.
On-line. Standing by.
Return to docking bay
and power down.
Major,you all right?
Next picnic, no robots.
Where's Judy?
Stabilize the operating systems.
Fire control.
containment protocols.
l wantto go home now.
Navigation's down.
System shorts everywhere.
Communications are out.
Link upthe secondary system.
-Shunting powerfrom reserve.
-Come on.
Try it now.
Navigational boards are lit.
Can we reroute?
l'm locked out of the helm.
Nothing in computer control.
Main com to manual.
See if she'll respond.
The main subroutine won't open.
l'm gonna try remote ops.