She's one of ours, all right.
All right.
l've never seen a ship
like this.
No response to hails.
Scanning all military
and civilianfrequencies.
l'm getting
inconsistent life signs...
butthey may be sensor ghosts.
Computer is still on.
l'll try the standard
docking codes.
Control codes confirmed.
lnitiating docking sequence.
What kind of ship is that?
That's not one of ours.
Boys,that's not even human.
If this is all a dream...
why can'tthere be more girls?
As part of her enslavement...
the brave young space captive
Penny Robinson...
isforced to utilize her
dazzling technical expertise.
ldentify yourseIf, soldier.
West, Major,
United Global Space Force...
requesting permission
to see the prisoner.
Proceed, MajorWest.