Could he be cuter?
l don'tthink so.
Breathe, Penny.
These quarters are unacceptable.
We're going to check out
the probe ship.
Maybe we canfigure out how they
got here and how to get home.
Have a wonderful trip.
Putthis on.
You're coming with us.
Out of the question. l am
a doctor, not a space explorer.
Whatyou are
is a murderous saboteur.
l am not leaving you here...
so you can do more harm
than you've already caused.
l absolutely refuse.
Give me an excuse to kill you.
Blackwas always my colour.
Activate standby.
Crush, kill, destroy.
Safety on.
Dad, chill.
lt's OK.
l hacked into his CPU,
and then...
l bypassed
his main operating systems...
and accessed his subroutines.
He's basically just running
on remote control.